Program > Tracks

List of Tracks and descriptions

Please click on the selected track to get a full description; the Tracks have been listed alphabetically. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Local Organising Committee at 

  1. Branded Lives: Identity and Work in the Era of the Brand
  2. Continuity in Theory and Practice of Management: What still works and why
  3. Corporate Governance
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. E-business – Adding Value
  6. Enterprising Identities; Construction of Identities in an Entrepreneurial Context
  7. Events and Institutions
  8. Evolutionary Perspectives on Industrial District Change
  9. Examining "diversity management" through critical lenses 
  10. From Supply Chain Management to Value Network Management; from Manufacturing to Ubiquity
  11. Gender Equality and Diversity in Management
  12. Healthcare Management Renewal and Organisational Change
  13. Industry Transformations: How Firms, Industries and Their Architectures Co-Evolve
  14. Innovation in Chinese Firms
  15. Innovation – Continuing the Journey
  16. Innovation through Design Thinking
  17. Knowledge Renewal in Social Networks
  18. Management in Creative and Cultural Industries 
  19. Managing Cities and Territories Renewal and Appeal: The Critical Role of Planning, Destination Branding and Events
  20. Marketing as Practice
  21. Open Models in knowledge intensive sectors: Free/Open Source Software and beyond
  22. Organisation studies and the science of art and design: Renewal or renaissance? 
  23. Organisational learning: Creating capability through building belief
  24. Political Lessons for Management
  25. Projects and Complexity: Renaissance and Renewal of Firms and Societies
  26. Public Management
  27. Renaissance and Renewal of Work, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Careers
  28. Renaissance Politics: Power, Ethics and Paradox in Regenerating Economies
  29. Renewing Scenario Planning and Foresight Processes
  30. Renewing the Critical – Reinvigorating the Classic
  31. Research Methods and Research Practice
  32. Sensemaking and Storytelling
  33. Sport as a Business: Internationalisation, Professionalisation, Commercialisation
  34. Strategic Renewal: Management and organisation innovation
  35. Strategy as Practice: New Methodological Approaches and Challenges
  36. The Aesthesis Project: Art and Knowledge in Management and Organizational Life
  37. The Micro and Macro Aspects of Migration and Migrant Workers
  38. The Rise, Evolution and Fall of Inter-Organisational Relationships
  39. Toward Renaissance and Renewal in the Study and Practice of M&A
  40. International Management, Leadership and HRM


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